Intro to Baloo

Baloo implements a subset of Pandas maintaining its behavior and API as much as possible. However, the library is now lazily implemented using Weld. All operations are tracked through Weld computation graphs which are optimized upon evaluation. In practice, this means that the evaluate method must be called whenever a result is required. The core data structure at the surface level (API) is still the Numpy ndarray, despite it being converted to other structures internally by Weld. For efficiency reasons, only arrays of 1 dimension are expected (please check baloo/weld/convertors/numpy.cpp for malloc reasons why).


Pandas is an immense library with a lot of implemented functionality. Baloo cannot replace it but only speed up common operations through Weld. To facilitate the interaction between the libraries, the pandas API has been mimicked as much as possible. Thus, it might be possible to simply replace the import statements from pandas to baloo. However, there are also from_pandas and to_pandas methods available to freely move from one to the other. Nevertheless, for baloo to be useful, most operations should go through it.

Functionality Overview

Baloo contains documentation and examples for all the supported operations. However, as a first look into Baloo, here is some of the implemented functionality:

  • Numerical operations, such as + or *.
  • Unary operations, such as sqrt or log.
  • Filters, bool operations, and sub-setting, including head and tail.
  • Aggregations, such as max, mean, or std.
  • DataFrame joins, including all of inner, left, right, outer.
  • GroupBy and aggregations.
  • Multiple kinds of UDFs.
  • To/from Pandas conversion.
  • Missing values support, such as dropna and fillna.
  • iloc.
  • String manipulation through .str for methods, such as split or contains.

… and more.

Data Types

Baloo currently accepts the following NumPy dtypes:

  • int16, int32, int64
  • float32, float64
  • bool/bool_ *
  • S/bytes_

Note that strings require their byte versions, therefore unicode is not currently supported (at the Weld level(?)). * Bool is internally converted to np.bool_ s.t. its module points to NumPy and not builtins.

Missing Data

Unlike Pandas, there are currently no special NaN/NA/NaT values for missing data. If NumPy accepts it, then it’s valid. For Baloo, the following were chosen as defaults:

  • floats : -999.
  • integers : -999
  • S/bytes_ : b’None’
  • bool : false

Lazy Evaluation

All Baloo objects follow the following contract:

  • Calling repr() will return a lazy-friendly shortened description of the object. For example, calling it on a Series would return Series(name=<name>, dtype=<dtype>) with no mention of the actual data inside. This is because the data can be either raw data (which gets printed nicely) or a string Weld computation graph (which, well, does not).
  • Calling str() will pretty print the object. Note that for DataFrame, it cannot be called unless all the data is evaluated.
  • .values property returns the internal data, be it raw or lazy.
  • evaluate() returns a copy of the object with raw evaluated data inside.

Type Casting

Unlike Pandas, there are currently no automatic type casts for array types, e.g. Series([1, 2]) + Series([2.35, 3.54]) is likely to fail. Casting is lazily available through the astype operator. Note that on Series creation, data can be automatically casted to given dtype only if the data is raw. If lazy, encode it through astype.

Note that literal/scalar values are an exception and do get casted to the dtype of the array, e.g. Series([1, 2]) < 2.0 is interpreted as Series([1, 2]) < 2. Lastly, aggregation results get converted to float64 however currently post-aggregation, not before, e.g. Series([1, 2]).sum() first computes the integer sum then casts the result to float.