package module, sep=', ', header='infer', names=None, usecols=None, dtype=None, converters=None, skiprows=None, nrows=None)[source]

Read CSV into DataFrame.

Eager implementation using pandas, i.e. entire file is read at this point. Only common/relevant parameters available at the moment; for full list, could use pandas directly and then convert to baloo.

filepath : str
sep : str, optional

Separator used between values.

header : ‘infer’ or None, optional

Whether to infer the column names from the first row or not.

names : list of str, optional

List of column names to use. Overrides inferred header.

usecols : list of (int or str), optional

Which columns to parse.

dtype : dict, optional

Dict of column -> type to parse as.

converters : dict, optional

Dict of functions for converting values in certain columns.

skiprows : int, optional

Number of lines to skip at start of file.

nrows : int, optional

Number of rows to read.
